
WaveSurgeon, and indeed all of Square Circle's new products, features our AutoUpdate application to allow you to keep up to date with our latest releases. Use it as frequently as you like, but it's best used in conjunction with the mailing lists you can sign up for at

To begin, load the application, ensuring that you have both a working Internet connection, and that WaveSurgeon isn't running (otherwise if an update exists, it will be impossible to update the files), and click 'Next'. Our update server will be contacted, and, if available, a list of updates shown after a short wait. Select the updates you require, and click 'Next' to continue. The updates will then be downloaded, and your software patched when this process is finished. Inspect the log at the end to see exactly which updates have occurred.

Note that occasionally an update to the AutoUpdate program itself will be shown in the available updates box (listed as something similar to 'AutoUpdate vx.xx'). It is recommended that you always select these updates, as they fix bugs and implement new features. You will find that the patch process in this case shuts the program down and reopens it - this is normal behaviour, and no cause for alarm.